Sexy? Or Sleazy?

Click here to view my published article on HerCampus. When dressing to impress, there can be a fine line between what is sexy and what is sleazy.  In a recent interview I conducted with guys between the ages of 20 and 24, I found they all had a common, clear opinion between sexy and sleazy.  A “slutty and sleazy look” wasContinue reading “Sexy? Or Sleazy?”

What a Guy Wants… & What He Doesn’t

Click here to view my published article on HerCampus. Face it.  Most gals would absolutely LOVE to be inside a guy’s head. What is he thinking? Does he like me? Are “we” going anywhere? Am I just a hook-up?  Where do we stand in our relationship? Does he even like or notice my trendy new SteveContinue reading “What a Guy Wants… & What He Doesn’t”